Our Positive Behaviour program helps us to create a positive learning environment which fosters focus and learning growth. Our curriculum involves planned activities that teach social and emotional learning, and encourages students to reflect on positive ethical and social decision making.
At Trinity Primary School we believe that children need guidance in developing attitudes and skills that enable them to effectively contribute to our changing world. These attitudes and skills are taught as well as expected of the children. Parents are informed of what is expected and receive consistent feedback on their child’s behaviour.
Our Principal, Deputy Principal and Senior School Leaders work closely with Classroom Teachers and parents in providing support to children who are experiencing difficulties in their social-emotional development. Our Student Wellbeing Leader regularly works with teachers across the school in the planning and teaching of the Berry Street Educational model and cybersafety programs.
Wellbeing Sprints
To enable student voice and further improve our classroom engagement on an ongoing basis Trinity use the Agile Sprints model of feedback. The Principal and classroom teachers work closely together with students using Google Classroom to give teachers feedback on student engagement and empower students to make positive change in their classroom.
School Rules
Rules exist to ensure the safety of everyone and that the rights of all are respected.
At the commencement of the school year, staff and students revisit our school rules. These expected behaviours are published in the school’s Newsletter, as the basic guide for all student behaviour at the school.
Trinity Primary School Rules
As members of the Trinity Primary School Community,
we all take responsibility to create a safe school environment.
At Trinity Primary School we:
Our approach to wellbeing is shaped and incorporates the following frameworks and programmes.
Berry Street Educational Model
Trinity has implemented the Berry Street Education Model. This model of Education has helped Trinity shape our teachers understanding of how we support our students, and how we engage and build positive relationships across our school.
Trinity is an Esmart School. Staff have conducted Esmart training and our policies and practices align with the Allanah and Madeline Foundation’s Esmart framework. Students regularly learn about cybersafety and Trinity offers up to date cybersafety training for our parents each year.
Junior Transition
Our Junior Transition is led by a Junior Transition leader who oversees our Kinder partnerships and supports the planning and transition of new students in our Junior school. The Transition Coordinator also oversees our Buddies program which links our new Preps each year to their Year 6 buddies who support new students in their first year of school.
Senior Transition
Our Senior Transition leader oversees our Senior transition programme which supports Year 6 students as they begin to prepare for secondary school. At Trinity this involves structured lessons (START programme), guest speakers, parent nights and teacher visits to our secondary feeder schools.
Student Leadership
School Leaders from each grade meet each week to discuss school issues and relay things to celebrate. Our student leaders meet for a Leaders Workshop each Wednesday to support other school management and leadership related responsibilities. We have engaged key student leaders in workshops to learn the skills of effective presentation, organisation and communication so as to raise the student profile and voice within the school.
Seasons Programme
The Seasons Program helps to build the resilience of students at times of loss or change.
The Seasons Program helps to build the resilience of students who are dealing with significant loss or change in their lives. It provides support to students who have experienced a death of a family member or friend, parental divorce or separation, the experience and aftermath of natural disaster, or moving house or school.
The Student Wellbeing Leader and other trained staff work with a small group on a weekly basis for 8 weeks. During this time they participate in activities and discussions which assist them to develop the skills to manage grief and change.
School Counsellor
Students are able to access free counselling services at school. Our school counsellor attends school on Mondays and is available to support students for a range of issues including social/emotional assistance, strategies or intervention. The work of our Counsellor supports our aim of encouraging the total development of each child.
As a means of supporting students and parents from non-English speaking backgrounds, Trinity Primary School actively promotes the use of interpreters and aides to assist when and where needed.